Onyx Discord Bot Documentation

Onyx is a multi-purpose media and utility bot, containing over 50 commands to help you bring the best of the web to your server.

Make memes, send electronic cards, get answers to everything, and more, with Onyx. This bot is powered by Node.JS, and coded using the Discord.JS library.

Onyx has over fifty commands, including those for:

  • meme generation

  • gif and sticker searching

  • searching YouTube

  • music production

  • fetching info/live imagery from NASA

  • interacting with IBM's Watson API

  • getting information on any topic

A complete list of currently working commands can be found below.

UPDATES: 28/12/2018

  • Send cool eCards and GIFts to other users!
  • Get stickers from GIPHY. 👀
  • Meta Commands now available! Get server stats, submit ideas to Silvia, and more. (More to be added)
  • YouTube Integration Now Here! Search for your favourite videos, watch, and enjoy!
  • Search Pixabay for public domain photos. -pixabay night sky
  • Get random cute Ascii Faces!
  • Get public domain, stunning images from Unsplash with -photo
  • Captcha generation now possible! -captcha Only humans can read this.
  • Get rhyming words. -rhyme red
  • Check how popular your name is with -name [your name]

Invite To Your Server

Just click here to invite Onyx to your server!

Test Onyx Out In This Support Server

If you want to test Onyx out before adding her to your server, just join this server, and leave when you want. Onyx runs 24/7, so she'll always be online. :D


NB: Prepend a hyphen before any of the commands below.

Media Commands

Command Description Examples
meme Make a meme, using a variety of templates. Separate the meme's top and bottom text using a hyphen. -meme waitingskeleton This is top text-This is bottom text
meme_templates Get a list of all meme templates available. -meme_templates
yt Search YouTube for your favourite videos. Returns the first search result video. -yt Swedish House Mafia greyhound
xkcd (Nerd Humour) Get today's XKCD comic, or a randomized XKCD comic. -xkcd or -xkcd today
photo Search Unsplash for public domain, stunning images of your choice. -unsplash night sky
pixabay Search Pixabay for public domain images. -pixabay night sky

Space/Astronomy/NASA Commands

Command Description Examples
earth See live footage of Earth, as seen from the NOAA DSCVRY probe. -earth
neo Find out how many Near-Earth objects are near Earth right now. -neo
astronauts Find out how many astronauts are aboard the International Space Station. -astronauts
iss Get the location of the International Space Station. Updates every second. -iss

Get Live Earth Footage

Search Commands

Command Description Examples
search Get all the synonyms for a word. -search azure
bitcoin Retrieve today's bitcoin rates. -bitcoin
acronym Get the meaning of an acronym. --> acronym lol -acronym rofl
oldDefine Get an old-style definition of a word like it's 1859. -oldDefine dancing
define Get a definition of a word. -define dancing
translate Translate text to a variety of languages, including French (fr), Italian (it), German (de), and more! -translate fr How are you?
identify Identify what language a piece of text is in, plus the result includes Watson AI's confidence levels too! -identify Hello there, how are you?
emoji Search for emojis related to a certain search term. Get happy emojis, cute emojis, hearts, etc. -emoji hearts
population Get the total number of humans on Earth right now. -population
rhyme Get words that rhyme with a word of your choice. -rhyme red
name Find out how popular your first name is, plus get stats on it. -name Markus
ask Ask Onyx anything, and she'll provide an answer from Wolfram Alpha, an information engine. -ask is there life on Mars

Fun Commands

Command Description Examples
qr Generate a QR code in black & white. Create a multi-coloured QR code with the qr+ command. -qr This is a qr-encoded message
qr+ Generate a qr code with two HEX colours and your message encoded as a QR code. -qr+ fff 000 This is a qr-encoded message
pls react Get a tonload of reactions for no reason. 👀 🤣 😃 😄 😅 😆 😉 -pls react
emojify Convert your message into an emojipasta. Adds emojis related to words found within the message. -emojify I loooove emojis
cs_jokes Get a coding/computer science-related joke. -cs_jokes
captcha Turn plaintext into a captcha. -captcha Hello there
cats Get a load of cuuuute cat ascii faces -cats
asciiFaces Get a load of cuuuute ascii faces ^^ -asciiFaces
poll Create a poll. Just append a question onto your command, and the reactions will symbolise votes. -poll Do you want more text channels?

Message Formatting Commands

Command Description Examples
randomCase Randomize every letter in a sentence's case, so iT tUrnS oUt lIke ThIS. -randomCase this is a sample sentence
letterEm Convert all the letters in a message to emoji letters. -letterEm These letters look like emojis.
replaceB Replace all the b's in a message with the 🅱️ emoji. -replaceB Bye bye letter B's!
pyramid Convert a sentence into a word pyramid. Try it out! -pyramid This text looks like a pyramid.
reverse Reverse your message. -reverse Hello There
binary Translate a message to binary. -binary Hello There
1337 Translate a message to 1337. -1337 Hello There
adv1337 Translate a message to advanced 1337. -adv1337 Hello There

Social Commands

Command Description Examples
avatar See your, or someone else's avatar. -avatar @Silvia923 or -avatar
wave Wave at another user! -wave @Silvia923
poke Poke another user! -poke @somebody
gift Send a gift to another user! -gift @Silvia923
setPresence Change the bot's playing/presence message to another random message (not user-defined).

Meta Commands

Command Description Examples
server Get server stats, such as member count, when the server was created, and more... -server
idea Submit an idea for a new bot feature. -idea New image filters please! Would love to see some sepia filters :eyes:
creator Get info. on who coded Onyx :eyes: -creator
info Get info. about Onyx, such as what language she's coded in, and more. -info
invite Get Onyx's invite link, so that she can be invited to other servers. -invite