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Contact Photon's Developer

Got a question, feature request or issue?

If you've got any questions, feature requests or bugs you'd like to report, feel free to contact the maintainer, you can see further details below.

Opening Issues

If you'd like to submit feature requests or open Issues, considering doing so on GitHub.


If you'd like to submit a bug report, make sure to include the version of Rust you're running, as well as your Operating System and Browser (if WASM is not working), and then open an issue on GitHub.

Contact Details


If you have any other questions which you'd like to ask the developer, you can send an email to:

silviaodwyerdev [at] gmail dot com

Spectrum Chat

You can send a message to: @silvia-odwyer

Alternatively, you can ask in Photon's Spectrum chatroom.


You can also ask your questions, submit ideas, and more in our Gitter chat room.