See your, or someone else's avatar.
See your, or someone else's avatar.
Wave at another user!
Poke another user!
Send someone a cool card with a message of your choice.
card @someone Welcome to the server! :D
Play music in a genre of your choice. Just type either lofi or synthwave after the command.
Make sure you've joined a Voice Channel first.
playmusic lofi
playmusic synthwave
Onyx will leave the Voice Channel you're currently in.
Make sure you're in the Voice Channel you want her to leave.
Send a trending GIF to someone, great for keeping in touch with what's trending on the web!
gift @someone
Waving now includes a nice GIF also.
wave @someone
Make a meme, using a variety of templates.
Separate the meme's top and bottom text using a hyphen.
meme office Top Text - Bottom Text
Get a list of all meme templates available.
Search GIPHY for GIFS!
gif coding
Translate words to GIPHY GIFS! Use the power of GIFS to convey your message.
word2gif just. wow.
Translate words to GIPHY stickers! Get GIPHY Stickers related to your search terms (uses different algorithm to `sticker` command).
word2sticker haha
Search GIPHY for stickers.
sticker tropical
Get a random GIPHY sticker.
Get a trending GIPHY GIF that's hot online now.
Generate a QR code in black & white. Create a multi-coloured QR code with the `qr+` command.
qr Hey there!
Generate a qr code with two HEX colours and your message encoded as a QR code.
qr+ 000 fff Hey there!
Search YouTube for your favourite videos. Returns the first search result video.
yt Swedish House Mafia greyhound
Ask Onyx anything, and she'll provide an answer from Wolfram|Alpha, an information engine.
How big is the universe?
How many apples can you fit in an airplane
Get the meaning of an acronym.
acronym rofl
Retrieve today's bitcoin rates.
Get a definition of a word.
define serendipity
Get all the synonyms for a word.
synonyms azure
Get an old-style definition of a word like it's 1859.
old-define life
Search for emojis related to a certain search term. Get happy emojis, cute emojis, hearts, etc.
emoji cute
emoji nature
emoji happy
Search Unsplash for public domain, stunning images of your choice.
photo night sky
Search Pixabay for public domain, stunning images.
pixabay galaxy
Get the total number of humans on Earth right now.
Get live Earth footage as seen from the NOAA DSCVRY Probe.
Get the location of the International Space Station. Updates every second
Find out how many Near-Earth objects are near Earth right now.
Find out how many astronauts are aboard the International Space Station
(Nerd Humour) Get today's XKCD comic by typing
xkcd today
or a randomized XKCD comic by typing
Turn plaintext into a captcha.
captcha can you read this?
Convert your message into an emojipasta. Adds emojis related to words found within the message.
emojify hello there, user, I'm glad to see you're here reading about this command
Get a load of cuuuute random cat ascii faces.
Get a load of cuuuute random ascii faces ^^
Randomize every letter in a sentence's case, so iT tUrnS oUt lIke ThIS.
random-case randomized cases galore!
Convert all the letters in a message to emoji letters.
letter-em these are now emoji letters
Replace all the b's in a message with the 🅱️ emoji.
replace-b I want to report a bug
Convert a sentence into a word pyramid.
pyramid this is now a word pyramid
Reverse your message.
reverse can you read this?
Translate a message to binary.
binary this is now binary
Translate a message to 1337.
1337 this is now leet
Translate a message to advanced 1337.
adv1337 this is now advanced leet
Get server stats, such as member count, when the server was created, and more...
Submit an idea for a new bot feature.
captcha can you read this?
Get info. on who coded Onyx :eyes:
Get info. about Onyx, such as what language she's coded in, and more.
Get Onyx's invite link, so that she can be invited to other servers.