Help & Support
Got a bug to report? Want to submit ideas? Want to chat with Onyx's maintainer? Here are some ways you can do so.
Scroll down for info.
Join Onyx's Support Server.
The Onyx Support Server comprises a fun community of developers, server owners, and Discordians who get insider access to all of Onyx's latest features.
We've got dedicated channels for testing, reporting bugs, asking questions, and more, so make sure to stop by. ^.^ We're looking forward to seeing you there. :D
Contact Silvia on Discord.
If you want to chat to me, just add @Silvia923#9909 on Discord. ^.^
You can also contact me for pretty much anything, whether you've got questions, want to ask some pre-questions before adding Onyx to your server, or want some tips on how to get the most out of Onyx. ^.^ Just contact me, and I'm always around to chat.
I'd love to become friends with you, so don't hesitate to add me. ^^
I'll answer any questions you have about Onyx, or answer any help & support queries you may have.